Prof. Dr. Yunus KAYA

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi E Blok / 208
Experimental and theoretical Spectroscopy
Molecular Docking
Synthesis and Characterization of Epoxy Resin
Thermoset and thermoplastic composites

300 36 05
Department of Chemistry
( )
Vocational Training Program in Business
( )
300 33 30
Graduate School

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aşkın BİRGÜL

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi E Blok / 321
Pesticides and risk evaluation
GC-MS Applications
Deposition mechanisms of PAHs
Deposition of Persistent Organic Pollutants

300 33 32
Graduate School
(Vice Dean)
300 34 84
Department of Environmental Engineering
(Assistant Head of Department)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emel TAMAHKAR IRMAK

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi E Blok / 109
Wound dressings
Drug delivery

808 10 93
Department of Bioengineering
( )
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
( )
Graduate School
(Vice Dean)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Göksel ÖZTÜRK

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 214
Translation of Comics
Cultural Studies
Manipulation in Translation
Multimodality in Translation

300 33 81
Department of Translation and Interpreting
( )
300 33 31
Graduate School
(Vice Dean)
300 33 81
Uzaktan Eğitim Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi
(Department Manager)

Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir KAYA

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi B Blok / 463
Accounting and Finance
Business Finance
Financial Markets
Risk Management

300 35 84
300 35 84
Department of Business Administration
(Head of Department)

Prof. Dr. Abdullah MAĞDEN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 336
Differential Geometry
Theory of Curves
Lifts of Tangent Bundle

300 33 51
Department of Mathematics
(Head of Department)


Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 335
Electromechanical Energy Conversion
Electrical Machinery
Power Electronics
Robot Actuation Systems

Robot Technologies and Intelligent Systems Research Center
( )
808 11 20
Mechatronics Engineering
808 11 20
Department of Mechatronics Engineering
(Head of Department)

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Zeki ÜNAL

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi B Blok / 351
Social Stratification
Bourdieu Sociology
Social Inequality
Lifestyle Sociology

300 34 61
300 34 61
Department of Sociology
(Head of Department)

Prof. Dr. Aslı Ayten KAYA

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi E Blok / 329
Semiconductor Materials and Thin Films
Magnetic Materials
Sensors and GMI Effect
Sol-Gel Technique

300 37 08
Department of Physics
( )
300 37 08
Occupational Health and Safety
300 37 08
Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Aytaç YILDIZ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 416
Production Planning and Control
Fuzzy Logic/Multi-Criteria Decision Making
Innovation Management / Innovative Product Development
Industry 4.0 / Lean Manufacturing

300 37 26
Industrial Engineering
300 37 26
Department of Industrial Engineering
(Head of Department)
300 37 26
Quality Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Burak ARICAK

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 351-B
Forest Road Planning
Forest Harvesting and Transportation
GIS & Remote Sensing Applications in Forestry

808 11 01
Forest Engineering
808 11 01
Department of Forest Engineering
(Head of Department)
808 11 01
Disaster Management Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Cem KAHRUMAN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi E Blok / 413
Extractive Metallurgy
Design of Alloys
Characterization of Materials

300 35 18
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
( )
Advanced Technologies - Material Science and Egineering

Prof. Dr. Cemal HANİLÇİ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 310
Speech and Audio Processing
Speaker Recognition
Pattern Recognition
Signal Processing

Electrical and Electronics Engineering
300 35 24
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
(Head of Department)

Prof. Dr. Ebru Devrim ŞAM PARMAK

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi E Blok / 407
Sol-gel coatings
Production of graphene and carbon nanotubes
Biomimetic materials
Characterization of materials

300 35 27
Metallurgy and Materials Engineering
300 35 27
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
(Head of Department)

Prof. Dr. Egemen ARAS

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 133
Fluid Mechanics
Hydroelectric Energy and Power Plants
Water Quality and Drinking Water Supply
Wastewater Treatment and Outfall Technologies

300 38 47
Civil Engineering
300 38 47
Department of Civil Engineering
(Head of Department)

Prof. Dr. Eylem DİZMAN TOMAK

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 401
Wood modification, heat treatment
Decay fungi
Wood protection and impregnation
Biological degredation and weatheringof wood

300 35 38
Department of Forest Industry Engineering
( )
Forestry Products

Prof. Dr. Gökhan ÖZKAN

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi B Blok / 451

International Relations
International Economic Policy
300 35 43
Department of International Relations
(Head of Department)


Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 319
Urban Design
Landscape Design
Public Space and Participation
Place and Health

300 38 15
Faculty of Architecture and Design
Landscape Architecture
300 34 15
Landscape Architecture Department
(Head of Department)

Prof. Dr. Haydar ÖZKAN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 411
Deep Learning and Machine Learning
Image Processing
Signal Processing
Biomedical Technologies and Telemedicine

808 10 33
Computer Engineering
808 10 33
Department of Computer Engineering
(Head of Department)
808 10 33
Continuing Education Application and Research Center
(Department Manager)

Prof. Dr. Mete YILMAZ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi E Blok / 107
Algal Biotechnology
Algal Physiology and Genetics
Algal Secondary Metabolites
Use of algae in sustainable agriculture

300 34 16
300 34 16
Department of Bioengineering
(Head of Department)
Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights Unit

Prof. Dr. Muhammed Said FİDAN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 354
Biofoams, Furniture, Biocomposities
TS EN ISO/IEC 17025 Lab. Accreditation
Computer Aided Design
Non-wood forest products, Essential oils

Biocomposite Engineering
300 34 85
Forest Industry Engineering
300 34 85
Department of Forest Industry Engineering
(Head of Department)
300 34 85
Furniture and Wood Application and Research Center
(Department Manager)

Prof. Dr. Mustafa YILMAZ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 403
Silviculture, Forest Tending
Forest Nurseries, Reforestation
Woody Plant Seeds
Ornamental Plants, Urban Forestry

300 35 67
Department of Forest Engineering
( )
Urban Forestry

Prof. Dr. Orhan ÇAĞLAYAN

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi B Blok / 368
Total Quality Management
Production Management and Marketing

808 10 38
International Trade and Logistics
808 10 38
Department of International Trade and Logistics
(Head of Department)

Prof. Dr. Ömer KOZ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi E Blok / 213
Spectroscopic structure an. (1D/2D-NMR, IR, MASS etc.)
Chromatographic applications (HPLC, GCMS, LCMS etc.)
Natural or Synthetic active pharmaceutical ingredients
Organic synthesis

300 35 98
Department of Chemistry
(Head of Department)

Prof. Dr. Perihan Binnur KURT KARAKUŞ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi E Blok / 319
Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality
Organic and Inorganic Micropollutants
Air, Soil and Water Pollution and Control
Active and Passive Sampling Techniques

300 34 06
Environmental Engineering
300 34 06
Department of Environmental Engineering
(Head of Department)
808 12 08
Project Support Office

Prof. Dr. Rasim Alper ORAL

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi E Blok / 318
Chromatographic analyzes
Non-enzymatic browning reactions
Purification of value-added compounds

300 35 74
Food Engineering
300 35 74
Department of Food Engineering
(Head of Department)

Prof. Dr. Songül AKBULUT ÖZEN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi E Blok / 302
Nuclear Physics/Nuclear Energy
X-rays and Gamma Dedectors
Advanced Materials for Nuclear Technology
Environmental Radioactivity and Toxicology

300 33 44
300 33 44
Department of Physics
(Head of Department)

Prof. Dr. Turgay Tugay BİLGİN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 413
Artificial Intelligence
Big Data Processing
Data Mining
Machine Learning

300 35 54
Department of Computer Engineering
( )
300 35 54
Intelligent Systems Engineering

Prof. Dr. Yusuf Ali KARA

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 233
Zero Energy Buildings
Solar Energy
Wind Energy

300 34 12
Mechanical Engineering
300 34 12
Department of Mechanical Engineering
(Head of Department)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ebru KAMACI KARAHAN

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 110-C
Intra urban mobility
Urban transformation
Citizen participation

300 38 79
Urban and Regional Planning
300 38 79
Department of Urban and Regional Planning
(Head of Department)
808 12 26
Career Development Application and Research Center
(Department Deputy Manager)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gazanfer ANLI

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi B Blok / 365
Positive Psychology
Internet and Social Media Addiction
Developmental Psychology
Educational Psychology/Scales in Psych.

300 37 87
Department of Psychology
(Head of Department)
300 37 87
Healthy Living and Combating Addiction Coordinatorship

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gökçe TANER

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi E Blok / 108
Genotoxicity and cytotoxicity tests
Phenolic compounds and antigenotoxicity
Biomaterials and biocompability
Nanomaterials and nanogenotoxicity

300 34 23
Department of Bioengineering
( )

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halit Levent HOŞGÜN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 206
Rubber Chemistry and Technology
Biorefinery Processes and Green Chemistry
Catalysis and Porous Materials
Catalytic Processes

300 35 45
Chemical Engineering
300 35 45
Department of Chemical Engineering
(Head of Department)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim ÖZSARI

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 255
Thermodynamics and Energy Systems
Ship Machinery and Engine Technology
Renewable and Clean Energy
Combustion Technologies and Alternative Fuels

Energy Systems Engineering
( )
300 35 69
Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
300 35 69
Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
(Head of Department)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Osman TURAN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 226
Natural and Mixed Convection
Non-Newtonian Fluids
Multiphase Flow / CFDEM
Computational Fluid Dynamics , CFD

Energy Systems Engineering
300 36 38
Department of Mechanical Engineering
(Assistant Head of Department)
300 36 38
Vocational Training Program in Business

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ömer Yunus GÜMÜŞ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi E Blok / 420
Polymer Synthesis and Modification
Polymer Based Smart Materials
Organoboron Polymers
Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)

Vocational Training Program in Business
( )
Department of Polymer Materials Engineering
300 33 69
Department of Polymer Materials Engineering
(Head of Department)
300 33 69
Farabi Institution Coordinatorship

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yalçın YILDIRIM

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 303-A
Urban Form
Soundscape, Noise Pollution
Urban & Environmental Design

300 38 96
Landscape Architecture Department
( )
300 38 96
Urban Design

Prof. Dr. Hakan GÖKDAĞ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 229
Theory of machines
Mechanical vibrations
Experimental modal testing
Engineering acoustics

300 34 18
Department of Mechanical Engineering
( )
Energy Systems Engineering
( )
300 34 18
Aerospace Engineering Department
(Head of Department)

Prof. Dr. Osman Nuri ŞARA

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 216
Heat Exchanger Network (HEN)
Heat and mass transfer enhancement

Energy Systems Engineering
( )
300 33 50
Department of Chemical Engineering
( )

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Babak VAHEDDOOST

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 131
Mathematical Models and Data Mining
Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics
Hydrology (Basin and Lake) and Hydrogeology
Water Resources Planning and Management

Energy Systems Engineering
( )
300 33 27
Department of Civil Engineering
(Assistant Head of Department)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İsmail BORAZAN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi E Blok / 401
Polymer nanocomposites, Conductive textiles/polymers
Nanofiber, Nanofiber yarn, Electrospinning
Energy generating textiles, Piezo/triboelectric
Organic and hybrid photovoltaics

Department of Polymer Materials Engineering
( )
Energy Systems Engineering
( )

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ömer Faruk EFE

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 414
Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering
Multi Criteria Decision Making
Lean Production
Decision Support Systems

Energy Systems Engineering
( )
300 34 07
Department of Industrial Engineering
( )

Asst. Prof. Dr. Alper GÖNÜL

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 321-B

300 35 13
Department of Architecture
( )
Urban Design
( )

Asst. Prof. Dr. Alper YILMAZ

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 307
Renewable Energy Systems
Smart Grid
EV Charge Stations
Real-Time Data Acquisition and Control

Energy Systems Engineering
( )
300 37 15
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
( )
300 37 15
Electric Vehicles Application and Research Center
(Department Deputy Manager)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ender ŞEN

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 321-B
Information Technologies in Architecture
Computational Design in Architecture
Generative Design Systems
Space Syntax Theory

300 38 51
Department of Architecture
( )
Urban Design
( )

Asst. Prof. Dr. Levent AYDINBAKAR

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi G Blok / 228
Fluid mechanics
Computational mechanics
Open source CFD
Turbulence modeling

300 37 48
Department of Mechanical Engineering
( )
Energy Systems Engineering
( )

Asst. Prof. Dr. Naile ANGIN

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi A Blok / 411
Wood Chemistry & Phytochemistry
Sustainable Materials
Biopolymer Synthesis and Application Areas
Ergonomy, Work and Time Assessment

Biocomposite Engineering
( )
300 38 90
Department of Forest Industry Engineering
(Assistant Head of Department)
Furniture and Wood Application and Research Center
(Deputy Manager)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Saliha ASLAN

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 454
Urban and Architectural Design
Urban and Architectural History/Theory
Urban Environment and Architecture
Architectural Design and Context

Urban Design
( )
808 10 63
Department of Architecture
( )

Asst. Prof. Dr. Samet ÖZTÜRK

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi E Blok / 321
Renewable Energy Systems
Wind Energy
Energy and Environment
Waste to Energy

Energy Systems Engineering
( )
808 10 72
Department of Environmental Engineering
(Assistant Head of Department)
Sustainable University Coordination
(Vice Coordinator)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Zekeriya DOĞRUYOL

Mimar Sinan Yerleşkesi E Blok / 327
Polymer Physics, Photopolymerization
Solid State Physics, OFET
Nanocomposite coatings
Renewable Energy

Energy Systems Engineering
( )
808 10 30
Department of Physics
( )